Our projects for and with the international wine busines are varied. We have been involved with the design of Wein&CO's, Austria's leading wine retailer, web store concept and involved in the planning of Hawesko's, a major German wine retailer, entry into a new market. Consulting with Der Gallier's (a major German wine retailer) Austrian subsidiary. We has also been involved in Wine Pentagon's web presence and marketing concept, and also in Lupolino's, and Der Gallier's. He also maintains a lifestyle website that is aimed at good food, wine, spirits, and beer, and that features regular restaurant and products reviews.. In Canada we analyzed the IT needs of one of the large government alcohol monopoly, and designed a Point Of Sale and a Wine Kiosk solution for them. We also designed a kiosk platform that can be used for Point Of Information (POI), Point Of Profit (POP), Point Of Sale (POS), and Security applications. The first use of that platform was for wine retail stores and I designed a full line of wine related functionality like Food/Wine matching engines, search engines, wine information, etc. The original version of this platform won a Lower Austrian Ritter-von-Ghega Innovation Award in 2000 |