The FAQ is intended to answer the most common questions visitors to our website have asked.
Q: I am looking for Werner Herzog's 1982 movie Fitzcarraldo. What am I doing here?
A: Obviously you share our fascination of this great movie. You can access further information on the movie at IMDB Movie Database or get a synopsis with pictures at DVD review. To purchase the movie please access the Amazon webstore.
Q: Why 'Fitzcarraldo' Wine Consultants?
A: We always liked the movie Fitzcarraldo and admired the persistence and obsession of Klaus Kinsky as Fitzcarraldo. When we set out on our mission to 'Bring Great Wine in Every Glass' we figured that from the general situation this might become comparable to carrying a steamboat over a mountain - both in ingenuity of the solution but also regarding the effort. Hopefully we'll end up eventually with more than a chair.
Q: Is Fitzcarraldo Wine Consultants operating exclusively in Austria and Mexico/Canada?
A: Definitely not. We operate wherever our mission or clients take us. Our team includes native speakers in English, Spanish, French and German and good working knowledge of other languages.